Back in May this year we awarded funding for the purchase of a one-year fishing membership at a local fishing pond for a young man called Scott.
In October 2021 Scott had a stroke at the age of 37. He now has expressive dysphasia and hypersensitivity to noise. He has mild hemiplegia on his right side, but is making good progress in his recovery. His mental health has been affected due to the life changing stroke, which he is struggling to come to terms with.
He wanted to get back to the hobby that he loved, which was fishing. Unfortunately, he was unable to do that as his membership was due to run out and because he could no longer work was unable to pay for it.
Funding was requested from us so that he could purchase a one-year fishing membership so that he could again attend his local fishing pond. There he would be supported in his hobby as many of the other anglers already knew Scott. The facilities they had were great for Scott so he would feel confident in attending the pond without fear of not being able to use the facilities.
The feedback that we received highlighted how Scott’s wellbeing had improved and that he had been able to build up his confidence and independence since renewing his membership. Even though fishing is seen as a solitary sport, apparently, there is a real sense of community at the angler’s pond. It has given Scott confidence to interact with others. This was previously difficult because of his communication problems, but now means he has been able to work on his speech whilst talking to others. The report also stated that his physical recovery had improved as fishing had given him the chance to continue to be active.
We're really pleased that Scott has made such wonderful progress and we really hope this continues.