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Impressive Barchester runners in the Great North Run

/ September 2024
Amanda Binns and Amy Melia with their medals

Massive congratulations to our fantastic Barchester runners Amanda Binns, Amy Benton, Amy Melia and Marius Sidoriuc, who completed the Great North Run on Sunday 8th September.

Just like it always does, the Great North Run did the North East proud, with at time, heavy rain, doing little to dampen the spirits of the estimated 60,000 runners who took part and the droves of people who braved the grim weather to cheer them on. Of our runners, Marius led the way in the half marathon with a great time of 2h08m, closely followed by Amy B in 2h35m.

The runners had a brilliant day despite the damp weather – we are extremely proud of them and inspired by their achievement.

Amy Melia commented: “It was amazing to be part of the 60,000 runners who took part, the atmosphere was brilliant on the day and kept us going through the wind and rain on the day. I am so proud that I stuck to a 21 week training plan, lost 3 stone in the process and have become so much fitter in the process.”  

Sadly, Rebecca Dearing suffered a last minute injury and had to defer her entry to 2025.

The runners have also been very busy fundraising and have already raised around £1,900 to help older people and adults living a disability connect with others in their local community. There is still time to support the runners, and a huge thank you if you already have:

Amanda BinnsAmy BentonAmy MeliaMarius Sidoriuc


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