Please read our Frequently Asked Questions below. Simply check each heading to find the answer.

Q. I want to apply for funding but cannot find anyone to complete the form on my behalf. Can I fill in the form myself?
A. No, we do not accept applications for individuals submitted by the applicant or their immediate family or friends. All applications for an individual must be completed by a third party representative. If we do receive applications completed by the named individual or a family member/friend, they are automatically declined.
Q. What is a third party representative?
A third party representative is someone who knows you in a professional capacity and is willing and able to complete the application form on your behalf. They can be healthcare professionals such as, general practitioners, occupational therapists, nurses and social workers or charity or support group representatives. Citizens Advice Bureau representatives are often willing to assist.
Q. I am over 65 with limited mobility, and a mobility scooter would allow me to get on with everyday life and get me out into the community - would you be able to help?
A. Our focus is very much on enabling people to have more integration with their local community and reducing isolation. Maintaining a good quality of life as an older person is vital to our mission. We also consider applications for wheelchairs and other mobility equipment.
Q. The electric wheelchair that I need costs £2,000, but you state that the maximum amount I can apply for is £1,000. What do I do?
A. You can apply to us for a £1,000 contribution. However, you will need to apply to other charities too to raise the full amount required.
Q. We are a large charity with large financial reserves. Can we still apply to you for funding?
A. As a small charity with a high number of applications and limited funds on which to draw, we are set up to help small groups/charities. If your charity’s reserves far exceed ours, unfortunately, we would not be able to assist with funding. As a guideline, this could be anything over £150,000.
Q. We run a social group for elderly members in the community and would really like to take our members on a day trip. We are raising funds through our own events, but could you also help?
A. The trustees would consider applications from small community groups providing activities are for older people and other adults with disabilities. The trustees would consider making a contribution towards social activities, outings or events.
Q. We have been running an arts and crafts group for pensioners in our local area. We have just fundraised for a new potter's wheel but need help with small hand tools and clay, can you help?
A. We are very keen on this type of application. We would consider supporting innovative projects that help older people and those with a disability to get out and about and meet new people, thus reducing isolation. We can help with small equipment purchases, materials and activities.
Q. We run a drop-in service for people with mental health challenges and would like to employ a coordinator to run the scheme, is this something you could fund?
A. Unfortunately all salary costs and core costs for any scheme fall outside our criteria.
Q. We have an old minibus that needs replacing. Can we apply to you for funding for a new one?
A. Funding for vehicles is outside our criteria and not something we are able to consider.
Q. We are looking to set up an older person centered befriending helpline. Would you consider contributing towards its upkeep?
A. We do not provide funding for indirect services, such as start-up costs, marketing, helplines, websites, newsletters, leaflets, research or the general running of any group or project.