What we don't fund
We do NOT fund retrospectively. The application is void if what you are applying for has already been purchased or taken place. Further funding is not available for three years following a successful grant award. We reserve the right to put a cap on grants to a single charity (including all of its branches) in any one year.

Grants will not be made to named individuals for:
- Disability and exercise equipment for use in the home, including specialist chairs and beds
- Mobility equipment for indoor use only
- Repairs and maintenance of mobility equipment
- Activities, holidays and special days out
- Educational courses
- Home improvements, adaptations and property repairs, including gardens and ramps
- Household items, such as white goods, furniture and carpeting
- Medical or dental treatment, including any type of therapy, counselling or rehabilitation
- Cars, driving lessons or removal costs
- Laptops, computers and iPads
- Daily living costs (e.g. rent, utility bills, clothing, mobile phones, travel costs) or repayment of debts
- Equipment for residents in a care home operated by Barchester Healthcare or by any other care home company
Unfortunately we are unable to help community groups and small charities with:
- Core/ running costs, including salaries and venue hire
- Indirect services such as help lines, websites, newsletters, leaflets or research
- Building/renovation projects or large capital projects, including minibuses
- Training of staff and training of volunteers
- Foodbank provision, unless part of a food preparation or activity project
- Activities for residents in a care home operated by Barchester Healthcare or by any other care home company